x This game has been played on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 06:00 PM

Every Tuesday 6pm | Haggerston

When and Where
Independent Community Organiser

This game is organised by an independent organiser, they hire the pitch directly with the venue and manage the game at the pitch. Any problems, questions please send a direct message to the game organiser via the platform.


  • Please remember to bring a t-shirt of the colour of your team (white or black)
  • Nearest Stations: Hoxton, Haggerston or Cambridge Heath
  • Nearby Buses stops: 26 48 55 394
  • Can step & score in the box
  • Beware to arrive 5 minutes before kick off in order to fill up the attendance sheet ******** NO SLIDE TACKLE ALLOWED*******
  • No-show, Late-comer & Bed Behaviour Policy: Player who doesn't show up or arrive too late affecting negatively the game or assuming a rough and unpleasant behaviour can be prevented to play this game.
  • Team Balance: Prior to the game the teams will be assessed to check if they are balanced or not. In case they are unbalanced, the organizers will suggest changes trying to best accommodate the players' interests. What the organizer believes is best for the group will always prevail against the interest of individual players.


  • Anybody who shows Covid-19 symptoms or has been in contact with persons with Covid symptoms MUST inform Fable Fanatic London via message or alternatively inform host via WhatsApp group. Person affected by Covid-19 cannot come into GLL premises or take part in any activities
  • Respect social distancing rules ‘on and off’ the field of play
  • Sanitise your hands before kick off
  • To operate safely, changing rooms, club rooms and showers will be closed. Access to a toilet may still be possible
  • Throw-in must be done with feet
  • You should refrain from spitting. If you need to sneeze or cough, you are encouraged to do so into a tissue or upper sleeve and advised to avoid touching your face.
  • When the session is finished, you should leave the venue rather than congregate, and avoid congestion at gates or doors.
  • You have to arrive 5 minutes before KO already changed to fill attendance sheet ( it is crucial you provide, full name, phone number and email address, should you fail to fill the document, you may be refused access to facilities and won’t get refunded)
  • Should you come in earlier to practise warm up, this has to be done in the park, NOT in the pitch, please avoid gathering and do so individually
  • We are expecting high commitment from everybody attending the game in order to keep healthy relationship with GLL. Our hosts are here to ensure rules are followed however they are not here to police anybody. Should we receive any report stating misbehaviour person will be banned immediately from the group and consequently cannot join anymore game organised by Fubli Fanatic London
  • Full FA football guidance for adult activities is available to the following web site https://www.thefa.com/news/2020/jun/12/grassroots-covid-19-update-120620

Welcome back and enjoy the game
