x This game has been played on Sat, 05 May 2018 03:00 PM


When and Where
Independent Community Organiser

This game is organised by an independent organiser, they hire the pitch directly with the venue and manage the game at the pitch. Any problems, questions please send a direct message to the game organiser via the platform.


Footy Addicts is a social platform to connect people to play Football. It's that simple. So spread the word and little by little there will be more and more games available to join across the city.

The games are for FUN and to enjoy football. Any kind of aggressive/negative behavior will NOT be tolerated.

To book your spot, simply click 'yes & confirm' on the right hand side. Then, you are added to the game and will join the list of players down the right hand side of the page.

IMPORTANT: Only book your spot if you are 100% coming to the game. If not, you are taking the space from someone else and the teams will end up uneven.

Only indoor trainers are suitable for this surface.

There is parking available at the venue and the full address is above.
We will provide bibs so no need to worry about the colour of shirt.

If there is any other issue you can comment below or call/text me on 07944664678

Light Tees (0/5)
Dark Tees (1/5)