x Game has been cancelled

7 a side football @ Colfe's School

When and Where
Independent Community Organiser

This game is organised by an independent organiser, they hire the pitch directly with the venue and manage the game at the pitch. Any problems, questions please send a direct message to the game organiser via the platform.


Colfe’s School, Horn Park Lane, Lee, London, SE12 8AW

  • 7 a side big goals and sidelines
  • Astroturf or trainers only NO studs or moulds
  • Changing room & showers available in the centre
  • Closest train station: Lee (7/8 minutes walk to the pitch)
  • Buses: 122, 321, 178, 202, 261, B15, 160 - (7-9 minutes walk from bus stop to the pitch)
  • Car parking available
  • Bibs and ball provided

Game Rules:
- 1hour match time
- Everyone takes a turn to be in goal 6-7 minutes each (gloves provided)
- Normal rules except no offsides and no slide tackling
- negative behaviour WILL NOT be tolerated
- kick in throws from sidelines if the ball goes out of play
- Please aim to get to pitch 15minutes before we kick off
