J4G summer football
Saturday, August 31, 2019
2:00 PM
ONLINE £3.33 /per person
This game is organised by an independent organiser, they hire the pitch directly with the venue and manage the game at the pitch. Any problems, questions please send a direct message to the game organiser via the platform.
We play a friendly, competitive game each week on the Regent's Park pitch between the Hub cafe and the Ready Money drinking fountain.
KO is 2pm so get there a bit before when we pick teams. If you show up late after 2pm, you might need to wait till half time to play, so
The Hub have repainted the lines so we get to play on a full-size pitch with neon poles for goals. It's just like the real thing!
Call Abeel if you have any questions on the day on 07746 859051. Again, we play between the Hub cafe and the Ready Money drinking fountain - so if you're new to the park, check your map in advance.