Estadio Del Turia

Do you want to play football at Estadio Del Turia? Join Footy Addicts today for Free!

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  • Av. de Tirso de Molina, 18, 46035 València, Valencia, Spain
  • No games at the moment


Valencia Turia Football

Attention all footballers ⚽️⚽️

We play 7-9 a side football Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, Saturday mornings and Sunday nights and have done so for over a year now. We play by the Turia metro in the river park. It’s mixed abilities and anyone is welcome. It’s a great way to meet new people if you’re moving to the city or live here full-time 🏆

We would love new people to join and as a result, we could add more matches.
Please feel free to message me on "" if you have any questions or would like to join 🏆

2 Reviews