x This game has been played on Mon, 08 Jul 2024 08:00 PM

Monday 8PM | FREE Football

When and Where
Independent Community Organiser

This game is organised by an independent organiser, they hire the pitch directly with the venue and manage the game at the pitch. Any problems, questions please send a direct message to the game organiser via the platform.


  • Come play affordable and casual 8 a side football for ALL LEVELS!
  • Only 1 hour from 8-9PM
  • W7 1JJ : With Changing Rooms, Toilets, Showers and Parking off Greenford Avenue
  • Keeper change every 7 mins
  • ALLOWED to score in the D/ Area
  • No aggressive behaviour towards teammates or opponents
  • Any questions please feel free to message the host or ask a question in the game tab
  • No METAL STUDS please
  • Closest Station: South Greenford
  • Closest Bus Stops: Kennedy Road (Stop GQ), Greenford Ave Ruislip Rd East (Stop RS)
  • We play even if it rains.

- Be confident!
- Keep scanning!
- Enjoy!
